Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Creating Romance is our Joy

I love the way our space at Gondar Fine Dining @ Almaz Ethiopian Restaurant creates an atmosphere ripe for romance. Ethiopian hospitality, the ambiance and food combine in a delectable recipe, resulting in a deep rapport and chemistry between people. Truly it's a beautiful thing, and I'm blessed every night to see it happen.

At Gondar Fine Dining, we strive to keep an atmosphere that fosters communication and deepens connections. Although a restaurant, we're really in the business of building relationships. After dining at Gondar Fine Dining, not only will you leave filled but also fulfilled - with a closer relationship.

There's not enough time for connection these days. With text messaging, cell phones, mobile apps, etc. we all seem to suffer from Adult ADHD. We cannot have a conversation without checking our email on our phones. We're constantly distracted and resort to placating our companions rather than giving our undivided attention.

Does anyone remember what "undivided attention" feels like?

Our environment at Gondar Fine Dining encourages people to give their undivided attention. We are like therapy for Adult ADHD. And, when combined with great food and Ethiopian hospitality the result is an unparalleled experience.

Come join us for the finest in Ethiopian hospitality and allow us the joy of creating a romantic experience for you! Make your reservations today!

T'ena yist'ilin. (May God give you health for my sake. - Traditional Ethiopian greeting and departure)